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Using Safety Science to Improve Outcomes

presented at the International ACCT Conference and Expo

Association for Challenge Course Technology

Portland, OR USA: February 9-12, 2023

Scroll down for information about safety science for installers and operators of challenge courses, ziplines, canopy tours and aerial adventure parks

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From the presentation Using Safety Science to Improve Outcomes

Part I

Slide Presentation 1

Part II

Self-Assessment: Conformity of Risk Management Infrastructure to Risk Management Models, Theories, and Systems-informed Design

Instructions for taking the self-assessment:  

  1. Click the link above to navigate to the survey.

  2. Fill in your name and the name of your organization.

  3. Answer each question be selecting a response from the drop-down menu:  Fully Met, Partially Met, Not Met, or Not Relevant.

  4. Cick the "Submit" button to submit your responses.

  5. Click the "Download PDF" button at the bottom of the results page to save a copy of your self-assessment results to your device.

Slide Presentation 2

Other resources that may be of interest:

Viristar Risk Management risk management training

Risk Management for Outdoor Programs: A Guide to Safety in Outdoor Education, Recreation and Adventure textbook

Viristar Risk Management Services flyer

Viristar education program development resources

Viristar wilderness medicine training

Viristar blog with additional resources for challenge course, zip line, aerial adventure park, canopy tour, and other experiential, adventure and outdoor programs

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