Integrating Environmental Education Curriculum Into Mountaineers Trips
The Mountaineers Leadership Development Series Seminar
February 15, 2023
Scroll down for information about how to incorporate environmental education into outdoor recreation trips with The Mountaineers.
From the workshop Integrating Environmental Education Curriculum Into Mountaineers Trips:
Additional Information on Environmental Education
Additional Information on Education
Other resources that may be of interest:
Viristar Risk Management risk management training
Viristar education program development resources
Viristar wilderness medicine training
The Mountaineers conservation resources (advocacy, stewardship, & education)
Resources for environmental education:
North American Association for Environmental Education
Well-regarded source of high-quality environmental education resources, with regional affiliates
NAAEE State affiliates:
E3 Washington:
Env Ed. Assoc. of Oregon:
California Assoc. for Environmental & Outdoor Ed:
Global Environmental Education Partnership
A global network of environmental education organizations
Journal of Environmental Education
Leading academic journal on environmental education research
Hungerford, Harold R & Center for Instruction, Staff Development and Evaluation. Essential Readings in Environmental Education. (3rd Ed.) Stipes Publishing, 2005.
Complication of important articles on environmental education
Environmental education resources from NAAEE
Guidelines for Excellence in Environmental Education
Environmental education standards
Our Common Future (Brundtland Report)
Provides environmental sustainability definition
Harold R. Hungerford & Trudi L. Volk (1990) Changing Learner Behavior Through Environmental Education, The Journal of Environmental Education, 21:3, 8-21, DOI: 10.1080/00958964.1990.10753743
Influential article on research findings regarding effective environmental education programs